Sunday, October 12, 2014

Despite the Title, I Doubt This'll Be a Writing Blog

I read in a few different places that most prospective writers need a blog. I just never knew for certain if anything I had to say would be very meaningful.

Sure, most people feel they have something to say. Every waking thought gets a Tweet to accompany it, no matter how dull or unimportant it may be. Genuine mourning can be a trending Twitter topic alongside with leaked photos of celebrities, and all of it holds the same value to the world.

So what can I, a twenty-something sitting in my pajamas with a mug of Earl Grey watching Justice League cartoons contribute?

Just about nothing.

Doesn't mean I won't write it anyway.

That's the thing with writers in general. Even if our thoughts mean nothing, we need to talk.

So, what to talk about? My obsession with writing? My drive to be a published author? My love of fiction? Maybe all of those, perhaps, and more.

I think I'll keep this blog a writing blog, or, rather, about writing. Not simply writing tips and writing hints, but more the things I notice about how things are written. Books, film, media in general. That sort of thing. whatever crosses my mind, I'll post. Maybe pointless, maybe fun, but still, I'll do it.

I think I'll probably focus more on books than anything else, though, and keep the outside media comparisons as a fun side detail. Maybe.I dunno, I'll figure it out as I go. I don't have this blog all that figured out anyway.

Now, time to watch Wonder Woman use the lasso of truth on that protester....

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