Thursday, October 16, 2014

Why won't this sound better? Editing Probems

So I've been editing this novel for the last month. It was something I started over the summer. Probably took a total of eight weeks to write. Maybe twelve. I don't usually keep track of that sort of stuff, but I know that I started it in the middle of the summer, and, come the end of September, I had finished the last chapter.

I read online that some writers take a week to completely edit their entire manuscripts. Well, it's been three, and I'm barely halfway through with the second draft. Those writers must either be mega dedicated, or a little mad.

Some parts are a breeze. Even a joy. Simple, straight forward, without unnecessary writing jamming up the flow of the passage. Even then, it's not rushed. It's not too quick. That's a joy to edit. I can tell that those are the days I either had some music pumping as I typed away or maybe just had the right amount of coffee before starting up my computer.

Then, there are the rambling days.

The days where I had no idea what the hell I was doing, and just rambled on and on and on and on about nothing. I imagine my thought process there was like this:


Other days, I remember like twenty plot points that had fallen to the wayside, so, in order to remind myself later when revising, I awkwardly bring them up in narration.

"Do you remember that Mitch has a metal leg? You don't? Well, he has a metal leg. Look how metal it is. Do you see the part where the bone goes away? That's because it's metal! Metalmetalmetal!"

 The funny thing is that, when I reach these passages, I suddenly slip into that same mindset. I don't know whether to revise a few sentences, delete some stuff to draw focus to the good sentences I wrote, or, in some particularly frustrating moments, I just throw whole paragraphs away, and rewrite scenes from scratch.

I don't know how some writers plow through their writing like this. If I did that, the work I produced would be so carelessly written, so thoroughly without merit. It's a little unrealistic to expect a novel to be finished in a week, or rewritten in a week, especially when you're like me, pouring over the digital page, looking for any blemish you can iron out.

Seriously, I'm concerned for younger writers. I'm not old, mind you, but I know, back in my middle school years, when a bright eyed nerdy boy was looking for answers on how to write a good book, I'd probably look up posts from writers saying "Oh, a week at most! That's how long you edit a novel!" and just assume that's what I had to do to be like the pros. I don't think this post will totally make sense. This is coming in unironed, unedited, but, at the very least, I want to get my thoughts out there.

Take as fucking long as you want editing, so long as you're hard at work and making sure you get that thing done right.

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