Sunday, November 9, 2014

Juggling Multiple Projects

One major issue is I have lots of ideas. It's a curse. I hear about some writers being one trick ponies who can't get a second wind after completing their one novel. I forget her name, but the writer of To Kill A Mocking Bird only wrote one story. Most of Herman Melville's work was about whaling. Nicholas Sparks has told the same love story over and over again.

I don't think I could ever work like that. I love so many different varieties of stories. I could never be married to one genre or narrative. I got to stretch my legs.

The problem is that, inevitably, twenty different stories run through my head, and I have no way to give them all form. I need to select the coolest stories, and write them.

The problem is bouncing between them. I have two works in progress right now. One is in the editing phase, another in the early stages. I need to work on both. Now. I have no time to do so, but I need to get it started.

Here's the problem. I get lost in between two worlds, unable to focus on either, which ends with me lost without a story.

I need to get my ass in gear. I need to be motivated.

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